75 Years of Freedom

The 75th Independence Day of India is going to be celebrated today, 15th August 2021. 75 years ago, India was one of the first countries in Asia to become independent. A lot has been talked about India’s freedom struggle against British rule. Now, let us focus on the history of independent India, which stood upContinue reading “75 Years of Freedom”

Corruption: A Termite That Weakens The Roots Of Democracy

Also called mal politics, corruption is the use of power by government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private gain, violating their vows to uphold the Constitution and the sanctity of the land’s law during their oath-taking ceremonies are typically broadcasted all over the world. This political ideology of robbing your own constituencies’ resourcesContinue reading “Corruption: A Termite That Weakens The Roots Of Democracy”

Viewer Discretion Required: The Reality of ‘New’ media

You switch on the news channel and see a person shouting at the highest of his lungs trying his best to make you think that the establishment is ‘always’ right. You flip the channel and are welcomed by a man who barely resembles Imran Khan, mimicking the Pakistani PM. Yet one more channel flip andContinue reading “Viewer Discretion Required: The Reality of ‘New’ media”

Story of Communism and Revolution

“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.”― Karl Marx, Eleven Theses on Feuerbach February 1848 saw the publishing of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ that would go on to become one of the major revolutionary writings propounding an ideology available to people in search of liberation. ItContinue reading “Story of Communism and Revolution”