India to set about “Unlock 2.0”: Is it favourable for the nation?

Humans have never-ending plans. Before the Corona infection overturned our world, we hurried and blustered every day, so as not to fall behind our relentless timetables: To comply with the dreaded time constraints, remain on top of things, guarantee we push us ahead in the rat race. Furthermore, at that point as different governments forcedContinue reading “India to set about “Unlock 2.0”: Is it favourable for the nation?”


COVID-19 took the entire world by tremors. Countries are put under lockdown, economic activities are abandoned, measures are taken as if it’s a war of worlds. People were completely alien to such a health hazard. Every industry faced its consequences. Seventy percent of the Indian population lives in Rural backgrounds, lockdown had a severe impactContinue reading “EFFECT OF COVID-19 ON RURAL INDIA”

COVID Impact: Workers Laid Off

This is imperative to that so far there had been no official estimate of loss brought about by lockdown implemented over the months due to corona-virus pandemic. A mutilate effect on an economy as large as India’s caused due a complete lockdown was impended. Unemployment across the country has ascended due to the coronavirus pandemicContinue reading “COVID Impact: Workers Laid Off”


Saswati Chattopadhyay India has already crossed 600,000 marks in positive COVID19 cases. Its spread does not seem to be declining; infections and death toll continue to surge frighteningly instead. The whole world is under home arrest for months to deal with this epidemic. The pandemic-induced lockdown kept a huge part of economy trailing which evenContinue reading “IS PANDEMIC PUSHED INTO DRASTIC POVERTY?”

RACISM: A Pandemic within a Pandemic

“The plague of racism is insidious, entering into our minds as smoothly and quietly and invisibly as floating airborne microbes enter into our bodies to find lifelong purchase in our bloodstreams.”                                                – Maya Angelou While Racism is often thought of a problem that does not exist in today’s world, we forget that Apartheid was onlyContinue reading “RACISM: A Pandemic within a Pandemic”