Online Exams in West Bengal

Colleges and Universities of West Bengal have not yet opened owing to the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the state. However, odd semester exams are scheduled to be held in March. Hence, most of the Universities have opted for online/digital exams that candidates can give from their homes. Schools have opened offline classes from class 9Continue reading “Online Exams in West Bengal”

Election during Pandemic

Covid-19 pandemic has decreased to a few isolated pockets in India. But since the start of March, it has spread quite rapidly in those pockets. Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka are some of the states experiencing a steady rise in the number of Covid-19 cases. Many states are already planning to impose lockdown in containmentContinue reading “Election during Pandemic”

Covid-19 and Schools

Coronavirus cases in the country are at an all-time low in the last six months. So it is time to open up schools and colleges as online teaching is not sufficient for students to score well in the board exams, which are scheduled to be held in the next few months. It is thus necessaryContinue reading “Covid-19 and Schools”